GitLab issue to email monitoring from inception to live in a few weeks
I had an idea to help make GitLab team members more proactively aware of email delivery issues that can cause issues for our user base.
I was able to "get my hands dirty again" and wrote some code for an MVC. Fun!
I collaborated with a couple of team members to improve my plans. Nice!
I released it open-source. Check it out here: Cool!
I brought it live. Sweet!
I am now open to volunteers to collaborate to improve it (both GitLab team members and the general public). Marvelous!
In other words..#anyonecancontribute
A little about the monitor:
This monitor determines if there are issues observing from the time a GitLab issue is created to the time an email about the issue is received.
This allows us to know how long the emails take to be delivered as this can impact user satisfaction based on the timeliness of receiving these updates. Many of the same components are used as a part of new user registration, so this monitor is also a good proxy for understanding if new users are impacted by email delays as it pertains to their new account registration email.
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